Operations & Maintenance Contracted Services

In the current market scene, competition and change have forced companies to rethink not only business strategies but also the way business is conducted. This is simply because the penalties for non- performance are too high and far too swift and the domino effect of such a situation immediate and sweeping. The need to look at / treat industrial asset management solutions as a whole rather than as isolated asset / equipment related problems. The emerging scenario necessitates a paradigm shift. The change is one of perspective – overall Plant Health rather than individual Asset, Proactive not Reactive, Preventive not Breakdown.

MTBF, Least Downtime, Maximum Uptime, Sustained Performance, Extended Life of Plants / Assets, Predictive Maintenance through RCM/RBI/CM Models, Reduced Cost of Production, Best Practices and Process Rationalization are the terminology and concepts most often heard. So, amongst other reasons, corporates have been forced to concentrate on their proprietary technology and outsource all other Non-Core activities / functions.


Pioneering Work

In business since 1978, the Hofincons Group is one of the oldest organizations of its kind in Asia. Hofincons Group has been providing asset management services to a cross-section of industrial clients. Our Asset Management Services provides assurances for performance (after auditing the plant) with non-performance penalty clauses. It renders services right through the life cycle of the asset up to refurbishing and relocation of entire plants. Our Asset Management Services constitutes a Central Maintenance Services wing to provide outboard refurbishment, re-vamp, improvement programs and other such services.

From conceptualizing to implementing

By acquiring IRCA Global Group, we are able to provide an Integrated Enterprise Asset and its Operational Risk Management Services. Our track record and hands-on O&M activities has given the ability to quickly understand the functional width and depth of production processes. Our Total Reliability & Maintenance Effectiveness approach, Asset Management Consulting concepts / Models, EAM/ERP value added IT solutions and our experienced resources will meet the O&M requirements of the Clients.

Outsourcing Asset Management

Our outsourcing concepts of the maintenance function will address the following interrelated trends:

  • Increasing technical sophistication of assets
  • Growth in volumes – need to ensure continuous production at highest installed levels
  • Survival depending on maximum ROI due to prevailing market conditions & globalization
  • Increase uptime, reduce downtime and Increase MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures)
  • Better ARM – Availability, Reliability, Maintainability

Our clients can outsource maintenance activities such as Condition Monitoring, Inspection, Preventive Replacement / Maintenance, Lubrication to improve Availability Reliability & Maintainability.

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2019 Copyright | HOFINCONS GROUP All rights reserved.