Operational Risk Management
(SCE / PS, Technical Integrity)
Hofincons has implemented Operational Risk Management strategy for various clients by Identifying SCE’s, developing Performance Standards and monitoring technical Integrity of the assets.
We undertake consulting services for Risk Management covering, Risk Assessment, Behavior Risk Management & Technical Managerial leadership, Emergency Preparedness, Crisis management, disaster recovery and Root cause analysis & reporting.
Hofincons has developed Technical Integrity Management System which includes SCE Management to provide a workable, sustainable, measurable and standardized processes and tools which monitor & assure the performance of assets defined as SCEs and demonstrate the required hardware barriers are in place and effective.
An asset is considered as Safety Critical Equipment through Integrity Barriers and SCE Groups using Bow-ties, SIL and other reliability strategies. Hofincons has developed an IT tool TIMS® which incorporates best practices and rule-based procedures. TIMS monitors and manages SCE Integrity via a traffic light system.

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